Our team of experts is here to help. If you’ve been ripped off by scammers, get in touch now.
Money Back Ltd., which trades as Payback, is Israeli company No. 515711653, authorized and regulated in Israel, and operates globally.
In the UK, the company operates through a legal exclusion, which removes the need to be authorized and regulated by the FCA.
In Australia, the company is registered as Money Back (Aust) Ltd., authorized and regulated under ARBN 678842236 | ASIC 562295 | AFCA 109819 | Australian Credit Licence No. 532450
Disclaimer: At Payback, we specialize in recovering lost funds from forex, binary, property, digital currency, credit card, and stock market scams by preparing investigation reports and action plans.
We do not offer financial services, manage funds, or provide financial advice, investment guidance, or related services. Our services and products incur fees and/or commissions based on the specific service and the complexity of each case.
Our reports are intended for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as financial recommendations or endorsements.
For Your Information (FYI): Although recovering your losses from an online scam can be very tedious and lengthy, sometimes taking over a year, it is a process you can undertake yourself without any official representation.
Note: Payback does not accept prohibited payment methods!